Netflix killed it this year, becoming a synonym for watching TV series. 6 out of 7 entries listed here are on Netflix. I tried diversifying with Amazon Prime but honestly, it just wasn't good enough.

- Released September 1st
- Season 3
- Netflix
My first thought when this was announced was: do we really need a season 3? Didn't the story kind of conclude in season 2? However, upon watching, I am happy I got to see this. We get introduced to interesting new characters and overall this was
one of the shows I enjoyed the most this year. If you missed S1 and S2, definitely start from the beginning!
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Master of None
- Released May 12th
- Season 2
- Netflix
This seems to be quite polarizing, where some people think this is VERY boring and others think it's brilliant. I'm in the brilliant camp. This is like a romantic comedy but not as dumb, and in a series format that actually makes sense to tell
an extended story.
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Black Mirror
- Released December 29th
- Season 4
- Netflix
Black Mirror S4 was just as great as the least few seasons. Every episode is a story on its own, showing the audience a dystopian version of the future where if you're really honest, you realize part of it is already here.
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- Released December 1st
- Season 1
- Netflix
I loved this show from a technical perspective. The HDR drone shots in a forest reveal that this is a series that could only have been filmed in 2017. It's always hard to depict the supernatural without cringeworthy VFX, but Dark does a really
good job keeping the viewer on their toes about what's going to happen next.
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- Released October 13th
- Season 1
- Netflix
Looking back at it, it wasn't that special, but nonetheless I was hooked from the Fincher-directed first episode. Mindhunter follows 2 FBI agents trying to get into the minds of serial killers. This series reminded me of one of my favorite films
ever: _The Zodiac_. I wouldn't mind a second season.
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- Released December 1st
- Season 2
- Netflix
If ”Master of None” is too American hipster for you, you're definitely going to hate this one. For me, the snackable 30-minute episodes were perfect TV material to wind down after a busy day. I love that Marc Maron plays in this show, and honestly,
the writing is pretty good.
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Game of Thrones
- Released July 16th
- Season 7
With season 6 I thought I was done with GoT, but nonetheless I really enjoyed season 7. Some of the special FX in the S7 episodes bring GoT on par with the biggest Hollywood movies. I've never been one for investigating the backstory on this one
and I am happy for that, because I'm sure they've butchered what was left of the original saga. Now you just take GoT for what it is: high-budget mindless entertainment that has its moments.
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